Services 3


Why Choose us

Svjetleće reklame

Svjetleće reklame su najatraktivnije i najupečatljivije vrste reklama koje

Oslikavanje vozila

Oslikavanje vozila ili CAR WRAP, za “mobilnu” promociju u

Tisak na tekstil

Tisak na majice, dresove, zastave te druge vrste tekstila.

CNC Graviranje

Izrada pečata, te graviranje u aluminiju, mesingu...

Promo materijali

Roll-up banneri, zastave, letci, plakati, kalendari, rokovnici...

Daisy-made solutions for your business.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.

We are a boutique digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions. We are a boutique digital transformation.


Get your best business solution with us

Daisy started its operation in the year 1999. We are World, based Web, App and Digital Marketing Company. Domain is Web Design, App Development, Digital

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SVG Icon 10 Years Experience

Meet Our Expert Team

John Gonzalez

Sr. Web Developer

Nevine Acotanza

Web Developer

Albert Coleman

Sr. Web Developer

Pull Maradona

Sr. Web Developer

Michelle C. Ward

Sr. Web Developer

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